The following are Tools available for Free as Downloads for your reference. Click on highlighted links to download and follow instructions.
Pool Base Example Spreadsheet - Contains an excel spreadsheet covering the concept of Indirect Cost Pool versus Indirect Base when developing the Indirect Rate! This is the electronic copy of the spreadsheet that is reviewed in detail by Paul Gunn on the DVD and in his Live Workshop.
Excerpts from the Financial and Cost Policy Manual Template - This download shows excerpts from the popular Policy Manual Template. The Full Template includes some 300 major and sub categories of selected policies throughout 60 pages of information. This free download provides a sneak preview of what is inside the Full Template.
Note: The format and structure of your manual is just as important as the content. It should be simple to follow, follow a logical format, easy to read (is there enough white space, and are the words/font large enough), and have a good overall look and feel. Popularity and member feedback has proven that this Policy Manual Template meets these criteria by the inclusion of: A detailed Introduction page; An appealing cover design if you so chose to use; A detailed Purpose and Scope; A Table of Contents; And a detailed Management Overview.
It is simple to follow. It is in a WORD format, so making changes/additions/deletions,etc. should be relatively simple.
Basic Cash Flow Template- SBA Format - Contains a basic Cash Flow Template in the SBA format. This is a free document that you can fill out to determine your cash flow needs on a short-term basis. The form can be expanded to cover more months as required. This should also be available on the SBA website.
Handling Fees - Contains a spreadsheet with basic information to customize for your situation
Wrap Rates - Contains an article addressing this often confusing and misunderstood issue. Many have downloaded this and expressed appreciation for the way the topic is addressed.